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Editorial Guidelines
Norme Editoriali
• Planum. The Journal of Urbanism presents its editorial guidelines;
• Before submitting their paper, authors should familiarize with the editorial policies. This section outlines our Editorial Policies for all accademic papers;
• The chosen citation style, Harvard Style, is one of the most common and consolidated styles; to help you familiarize with the citation style, visit the page citethisforme.
Authors are invited to download the layout from this page and fill the .doc document directly on the downloaded file. This webpage guides the authors stepwise through the editorial guidelines, providing the information authors need to prepare a technical paper and present it.
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The paper must not exceed 20.000 characters, including titles, subtitles and captions. Bibliography and notes are not included in the overall count of bars. The file must not exceed 8 MB and it must be sent both in .doc and .pdf format.
Observe consistent margins and paragraph justifications throughout the paper, if the author creates a new word file, be sure that margins are a 2.5 cm on the left, right, and top of the page, and a 2.0 cm at the bottom of the page. The character fonts used are Myriad Pro for the titles and Garamond for the body. Please, do not add page numbers.
Throughout the text do not use bold and underline. To highlight a word, use single quotes ('...'), or italics for foreign words. Citations in the text must be indicated in guillemets («...») and never in Italic; eg: «During infill works and for several years after their completion in 1976, the empty site of Battery Park City suffered from a considerable lack of development interest» (Firley, Gron, 2013: 185-186).
Images used in the paper have to be numbered, mentioned in the text and always accompanied by a caption. Do not forget to indicate the source of the image at the end of each caption. Images under 8 cm will not be accepted. Use full-page images only if they are truly significant for the contribution, legible and high quality.
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References in the text should be indicated using the author-date system (Surname, Date) or (Surname Date; Surname Date; Surname Date) and listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical sequence. In case of several authors, the phrase "et al." is valid only for 3 or more authors. For more information please visit Citethisforme Guide. Important: Websites have to be listed under their specific section Websites, using the correct reference style and following the correct indentation of 0.5 as shown in the .doc file.
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The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
Web site realized by ChannelWeb & Planum Association | Powered by BEdita 3