waterfronts & harbors brownfields regulation large scale plans & projects ecological networks rigenerazione urbana premio letteratura urbanistica fragile territories Cohesion safety & security history climate change progetto urbano welfare representation urban regeneration urbanization premio tesi di laurea superplaces summer schools urban development local plans land use cartography tools and techniques
Issue 73, 2015
from Territorio
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Emotions and the city: from Stendhal Syndrome to emotional city marketing
[ita] Le emozioni e la città: dalla Sindrome di Stendhal all'emotional city marketing
by Giandomenico Amendola
Socio-spatial transformations in EU cities: gentrification, polarization, conflicts |by Costanzo Ranci
Socio-spatial transformations in EU cities: gentrification, polarization, conflicts
by Costanzo Ranci (edited by)
Architectural features and social changes in gentrifying Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin
by Federica Amoruso
Gentrification in all boroughs of Amsterdam: increasing land values and socio-spatial change, little direct displacement
by Eva Bosch
Creativity in the 'spaces of hope': interactions between mega-projects and social struggles in Hamburg
by Stefania Animento
The global city model and the change of the occupational and social structure of Paris metropolitan region
by Alessandro Maggioni
The dual city scrutinised: the case of European expats in Brussels
by Linus Vanhellemont, Raf Pauly
Università/Città. Condizioni in evoluzione | A cura di Nicola Martinelli e Michelangelo Savino
University/City. Evolving conditions | Edited by Nicola Martinelli and Michelangelo Savino
University/City. Evolving conditions
[ita] Università/Città. Condizioni in evoluzione
by Nicola Martinelli e Michelangelo Savino (edited by)
The universities' role in the process of post-recession social transformation
[ita] Il ruolo dell'università nel processo di trasformazione sociale dopo la crisi
by Michelangelo Savino
Universities, institutions and communities: reappraisals and opportunities from open-source urbanism to prosumership
[ita] Università, istituzioni e territori: ripensamenti e opportunità tra opensource urbanism e prosumership
by Daniela De Leo
A new vehicle for the relationships between universities and their surrounding communities
[ita] Un nuovo contenitore per i rapporti tra università e territorio
by Stefano Boffo, Francesco Gagliardi
University-city-territory in Italy: a relationship in transformation
by Valeria Fedeli
Urban policies and cultural policies for Matera en route to 2019
[ita] Politiche urbane e politiche culturali per Matera verso il 2019
by Mariavaleria Mininni, Cristina Dicillo
The right to study and the right of citizenship in the relationship between universities and cities
[ita] Diritto allo studio e diritto di cittadinanza nel rapporto università-città
by Nicola Martinelli
The City Campuses
[ita] I City Campus
by Roberto De Lotto, Cecilia Morelli di Popolo, Susanna Sturla, Elisabetta Maria Venco
A new university centre in Bologna: redeveloping the ex- military zone at Staveco
[ita] Un nuovo polo universitario a Bologna: il recupero dell'ex area militare Staveco
by Fabio Licitra
Leisure and planning. Italian perspectives in the 1950s and '60s
[ita] Tempo libero e progetto. Prospettive italiane tra gli anni '50 e '60
by Federico Deambrosis, Alessandro De Magistris
Retail as a condition of modifying the urban space
[ita] Il retail come condizione di modificazione dello spazio urbano
by Pierluigi Salvadeo
Europeanization of territorial governance: an analytical model
[ita] Europeizzazione del governo del territorio: un modello analitico
by Giancarlo Cotella e Umberto Janin Rivolin
Project management, briefing and territorial planning. The case of military properties disposal
by Cristina Coscia, Elena Fregonara, Diana Rolando
How to assess the effects of urban plans on environment and health
by Stefano Capolongo, Maddalena Buffoli and Alessandra Oppio (edited by)
Domenico Chizzoniti, Maria Antonietta Crippa, Valerio Cutini, Lorenzo de Stefani, Mauro Francini, Andrea Oldani, Daniela Poli
Sergio Figliolia: «On the road, for a better look. Norway along the E10
by Francesco Infussi (edited by)
Abstracts traduzioni
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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