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Issue 80, 2017
from Territorio
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Representing, Communicating and Experiencing Cultural Environments
Representing, Communicating and Experiencing Cultural Environments
by Anetta Kepczynska-Walczak (edited by)
Rise of the Fallen: (New)Ruins Role in Shaping Cultural Understandings
by Amos Bar-Eli
Narrating the Cultural Landscape. Tracing the actual significances of heritage
by Gisèle Gantois, Yves Schoonjans
The death and revival of the great textile city
by Bartosz M. Walczak
Designing the framework of possibilities for viewer’s activity Mixed reality and monuments
by Rafał Zapłata
Digital Heritage’s Development in Architecture
by Thomas W. Maver
Le Corbusier Fifty Years On
[ita] Le Corbusier cinquant’anni dopo
by Marco Bovati, Martina Landsberger (a cura di)
Bottoni and Le Corbusier: the day of reckoning arrives in 1949 on Monte Stella, Milan
[ita] Bottoni e Le Corbusier: nel 1949 sul Monte Stella i nodi vengono al pettine
by Giancarlo Consonni, Graziella Tonon
Le Corbusier and Production sites in the Industrial City
[ita] Le Corbusier e i luoghi della produzione nella città industriale
by Silvia Bodei
Le Corbusier at the First International Conference on Proportions in the Arts, Milan, 1951
[ita] Le Corbusier al Primo Convegno Internazionale sulle Proporzioni nelle Arti, Milano 1951
by Anna Chiara Cimoli, Fulvio Irace
August 27th 1965: Italian Architecture Journalists Commemorate Le Corbusier
[ita] 27 agosto 1965: la pubblicistica italiana di architettura commemora Le Corbusier
by Andrea Oldani
From the Geometry of Crystals to the Mathematics of Nature. Le Corbusier through the Writings of Ernesto N. Rogers
[ita] Dalla geometria dei cristalli alla matematica della natura. Le Corbusier negli scritti di Ernesto N.Rogers
by Marco Bovati
Design by Analogies: Le Corbusier’s Method
[ita] Progettare per analogie: il metodo di Le Corbusier
by Martina Landsberger
New Methods for Studying Transnational Architecture and Urbanism: A Primer
by Davide Ponzini, Fabio Manfredini
Public Spaces and Sustainable Urban Development. The Expe- rience of the La Ciudad Amable Programme in Andalusia
[ita] Spazio pubblico e sviluppo urbano sostenibile. L’esperienza del programma La ciudad amable in Andalusia
by Gaia Redaelli
Re-structuring of Housing Policy in Italy: Processes, Subjects and Forms of Territorial Coverage
[ita] La riarticolazione delle politiche abitative in Italia: processi, soggetti, forme di territorializzazione
by Ignazio Vinci
Inland areas: an important territorial ‘slant’ for the definition of integrated regional cohesion policies
[ita] Aree interne: un’importante ‘inclinazione’ territoriale per integrate politiche di coesione
by Mauro Francini, Annunziata Palermo, Maria Francesca Viapiana
Environmental assessment in Lombardy: a tool that does not judge the sustainability of plans
[ita] Un attrezzo che non giudica la sostenibilità dei piani: ecco cos’è la valutazione ambientale in Lombardia
by Pier Luigi Paolillo
Are we entering a new phase in the utilisation of Italy’s military heritage?
[ita] Verso una nuova fase del processo di valorizzazione del patrimonio militare italiano?
by Francesco Gastaldi, Federico Camerin
Francesco Gastaldi, Paola Savoldi, Patrizia Romei, Renzo Riboldazzi, Maria Antonietta Clerici, Angela D’Orazio, Patrizia Gabellini, Raffaella Gabriella Rizzo, Costanzo Ranci, Patrizia Tenisci
Francesco Secchi «The moderate visibility of the Smart City»
[ita] Francesco Secchi «La visibilità discreta della Smart City»
by Francesco Infussi (a cura di)
Abstracts traduzioni
Metropolitan visions: instant, concrete, and conflict free futures?
by Peter Ache

The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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