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Issue #19 - SPRING/2014
from Milano Città Aperta
Milano Città Aperta | Journal of Urban Photography
We arrived at the second issue of MilanoCittàAperta dedicated to housing: Living 2.
We walked into Morigi, that ancient building where the co-housing was an experiment ante-litteram, we passed through the corridors of Casa Verdi , listening to the stories of the musicians retired and then come to rediscover the fascinating gatehouses of Milan. At a stranger's house we came across a particular nomenclature invented by him , with many labels stuck around. Then we go in a rush to learn about new forms of shared living , couchsurfing and the precarious system of shared spaces. We stop here in our story of living in Milan , and we are aware that we cannot be complete, but equally convinced that it has opened a small window on a city where no inhabitant is really ordinary.
P.S. Three months ago, we borrowed the words of Renzo Piano, who reminded us that the city is a reflection of several stories. We have very little to add, perhaps only a short extract from Antonio Tabucchi , whom we remember with great affection here:
He thought how strange it was to watch the world around us as if it was closer at hand, and thought that nothing is at hand, especially what you see, and that sometimes what is next to you is more faraway than you think.
Antonio Tabucchi, stories with pictures, Palermo, Sellerio, 2011
• M8.
by Marco Menghi e Alberto Bechis Boll
Casa Morigi was a fascinating experiment of co-housing in the center of Milan. An ancient and magical place that no longer exists
• Case Verdi
by Valentina Ghiringhelli
In Piazza Buonarroti there's a retirement home for musicians , commissioned and built by Giuseppe Verdi. Away from the hustle and the metropolitan groove. The discovery of a place full of culture and humanity.
• Portiere! Portiere!
by Beatrice Speranza
An exploration of the photographic gatehouses of Milan , remembering their importance.
• La Topenschierta
by Michela G. Reiz e Piero Cappelli
The Topenschierta is a surprise visit at Tazio's home . Where all the objects are renamed to emphasize the human imperfection.
• Abitare precario
by Carla Sedini
A photographic and sociological research on the precariousness of living
• Couchsurfer
by Michele Perletti
Couchsurfing is not only a site for travelers but a big community of people exchanging life experiences and sharing.

The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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