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18 November 2015 – 20 November 2015
7th Conference of the Academic Network "Espace Rural & Projet Spatial" | ENERGY TRANSITION AND CONTEMPORARY RURALITIES Architectural and large-scale issues/project strategies
Grenoble, France
NEW DEADLINE: May 30th 2015
• Espace Rural & Projet Spatial | CONFERENCE WEBSITE
• Espace Rural & Projet Spatial | RESEARCH GROUP WEBSITE
• École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Grenoble
7th Conference of the Academic Network "ESPACE RURAL & PROJET SPATIAL":
Architectural and large-scale issues/project strategies
École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Grenoble
18-19-20 November 2015
The purpose of this 7th conference is to examine the issues of energy transition in the transformation of rural areas through a multi-scale approach: from architecture to the territory. This issue is part of the debate currently occurring at the global scale, on the renewal of our energy system in connection with the evolution of our living environment.
This was part of the interdisciplinary research program Ignis mutat res (Looking at Architecture, the City and the Landscape Through the Prism of Energy), in which various faculties of architecture and landscape design were involved, in France and in Europe.
Based on the principles developed in previous meetings ERPS network, this next meeting will combine this theme with educational experiments, field-based approach and scientific papers. It will be the result of a partnership between the Grenoble and Saint-Etienne National Schools of Architecture.
A general statement will lead the debate to be engaged at this symposium: the production of renewable energy is accompanied by an increased development of generic infrastructures and facilities connected to "large technical systems" that already exist at the national or international level. The construction of wind farms or solar panels fields is a striking illustration of this phenomenon. The consequences of such production of renewable energy are obvious: the standardization of the human space at the territorial level and its liability (in terms of planning) to the economic and spatial logic determined by these delocalized technical systems. This spatial logic of uniformity calls for a thorough analysis to produce other design strategies at the local level. In this domain, this call for papers will aim to initiate a joint reflection on two levels:
• The first level involves redefining the energy system on which our human settlements are founded. Nowadays, in rural areas, there is the emergence of initiatives by local authorities, to implement energy systems (production and distribution), to overcome this dependence on national energy systems. [...] In this domain, a profound reflection must be conducted on the "territorialisation" of the energy transition, including the local potential of rural areas.
• The second level of reflection deals more directly with the link that should be established between the definition of a new energy system at the local level and the identification of new forms of appropriation of the territorial space, in order to rethink the relationship between human societies and the ecosystems. [...] At this level also, technical and economic approaches must give way to the benefit of understanding cultural issues, taking into account the different levels of development of our living space which they touch.
• SESSION 1: CO-BUILDING | The evolution of design practices and the transformation of the built environment in relation to a specific territory
• SESSION 2: CONNECTING | Organizing the movement of people, goods and services within a territory and a community in relation with the energy transition
• SESSION 3: CO-PRODUCTING | Producing wealth and renewing the economic system of a territory in relation with the energy transition
• November 19th | Presentation of papers on design teaching practices and research by design
• November 20th | Presentation of academic papers and of stakeholders' experiences
• Nathalie Audas, UPMF_PACTE-Territoire, Grenoble • Jean-Luc Bayard, ENSA Saint-Etienne • Luc Bousquet, ENSA Lyon • Vincent Bradel, ENSA_LHAC, Nancy • Serge Briffaud, ENSAP_CEPAGE, Bordeaux • Nicolas Buclet, UPMF_PACTE, Grenoble • Stéphanie David, ENSA_AE&CC, Grenoble • Hervé Davodeau, ENSHAP_INH, Angers • Gilles Debizet, UPMF_PACTE-Territoire, Grenoble • Patrice Doat, ENSA_AECC, Grenoble (CRAterre) • Marie-Christine Fourny, UPMF_PACTE-Territoire, Grenoble (Labex ITEM) • Philippe Garnier, ENSA_AE&CC, Grenoble (CRAterre) • Serge Gros, CAUE 38, Grenoble • Olivier Labussière, UPMF_PACTE-Territoire, Grenoble • Romain Lajarge, UPMF_PACTE-Territoire, Grenoble • Odile Marcel, La compagnie du paysage • Béatrice Mariolle, ENSA_IPRAUS, Paris Belleville • Rémy Maisonneuve, ENSA Saint-Etienne • Catherine Maumi, ENSA_MHA, Grenoble • Patrick Moquay, ENSP_LAREP, Versailles • François Nowakowski, ENSA_LAURE, Lyon • Anthony Pecqueux, ENSA_CRESSON, Grenoble • Claire Planchat, ENGREF_UMR METAFORT, AgroParis Tech • Jean-Yves Quay, ENSA Lyon • Daniel Quenard, CSTB • Bertrand Rétif, ENSA Clermont-Ferrand • Baptiste Sanson, La Bergerie de Villarceaux • Frédéric Saunier, ENSA Normandie • Johanna Sery, ENSA Normandie • Nicolas Tixier, ENSA_CRESSON, Grenoble • Gabriella Trotta, UPMF_PACTE-Territoire, Grenoble • Caroline Varlet, ENSA Normandie • Marc Verdier, ENSA Nancy • Pieter Versteegh, Collège d'architecture de Fribourg • Bendicht Weber, ENSA_LET/UMR LAVUE, Paris La Villette
• Mathilde Chamodot, ENSA_AE&CC, Grenoble • Luna d'Emilio, ENSA Saint-Etienne, Coordonnateur ERPS • Nicolas Dubus, ENSA_AE&CC, Grenoble • Marcel Ruchon, ENSA Saint-Etienne • Anne Coste, ENSA_AE&CC, Grenoble, ERPS Resp. scientifique / Scientific committee chairwoman • Xavier Guillot, ENSA Saint-Etienne, ERPS Resp. scientifique / Scientific committee chairman
• Conference Website: Espace Rural & Projet Spatial Conference
• Research Group Website: Espace Rural & Projet Spatial
• Email:
Event schedule:
- Start: 11-18-2015
- End: 11-20-2015.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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