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Uruguay dentro del continuum urbano de la sub-region Plata-Mercosur
by Sonnia Romero Gorski
From the point of view of an urban permanent development as well as of a territorial planning, it is necessary to build a knowledge update to the changes in life styles of the population. Moreover, the focus should be on those citizens of big cities who live under significant infrastructure changes caused by the economic investments. However these socio-cultural phenomenon's are not as perdurable as the buildings they build up.
The researches that have been made at the MERCOSUR regional area take in care the antecedents for this vision, which make to came two demands at the same time. On one hand the ideological demand, the socio-cultural one, and on the other hand the material demand, the one of the investments in infrastructure. There are some phenomenon's as free time, season truism, which respond to an ideal life related to ecological values that act as reasons of urban change. There are other phenomenon's as the "corredor comercial" (commercial path) among Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile that reinforce the sense of MERCOSUR economic union. But, at the same time the movement of great amount of people and goods, caused by these phenomenon's, make necessary the construction or renewal of transport lines and machines.
This study takes mainly into account, the sub- region called Plata_ MERCOSUR, with a special focus on the south part of Uruguay, the one which is going to be a privileged area of holidays and luxury secondary houses for the habitants of "Cono Sur" (south cone) great cities; Buenos Aires, San Pablo, Santiago de Chile, Asuncion and Montevideo, as well as the geographic reference for the commercial path San Pablo, Montevideo (headquarters of the MERCOSUR), Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile.
The great questions here are to what extend we can analyze the socio- cultural phenomenon's of the MERCOSUR build as a "cultural mixed" and how these phenomenon's affect specific local dynamics depending on their level of identity adaptation or vulnerability. Some results and hypothesis are exposed here...

The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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