Section Case study: Guides and manuals of 'better practice' as an aid to planning in England
by Elena Marchigiani
This contribution written by Elena Marchigiani recreates the debate which arose in the last years within the Government and some English professionals on urban design themes, leading to the fruitful production of a whole range of additional documents attached to land use planning and ruling, especially aimed at promoting the design quality of buildings and open spaces. Through a re-reading of guides and manuals drawn up on national, county or city and urban sections scales, the article proposes in particular a reflection on the different aspects that the theme of the control of form can have within negotiating planning processes.
Part one. A recent resurgence of interest in urban form and urban design issues.
1.1. The Blair Government "Urban Renaissance" proposals
1.2. The debate on urban design issues and the proposals of the Urban Design Group
Part two. Planning tools.
2.1. Programming and Land use planning
2.2. Design control process
Part three. Planning guidelines.
3.1. From the description of the context to the project form and requirements
3.2. Ministerial Guides. Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions, Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment, By Design. Urban Design in the Planning System: towards Better Practice, 2000
3.3. County Guides. Essex Planning Officers Association, The Essex Design Guide for Residential and Mixed Use Areas, 1997
3.4. City Guides. Department of Planning, Development and Environment, City of Stoke on Trent, Design Strategy for the Built Environment. Policy and Guidance for the Design of New Development, 1999
3.5. Site-specific Guides. Percy Johnson - Marshall & Associates, Design Briefing in Towns, 1978
3.6. Site-specific Guides. Leicester City Council, St. Georges, Leicester: Strategic Regeneration Area Framework, 2001
4. Bibliography
5. List of figures
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The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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